Career Coach:

Career Advancement Coach:

Assist professionals overcome inner blocks and advance their careers with confidence and clarity.


By focusing on rediscovering purpose, enhancing communication skills, and achieving work-life balance, I empower my clients to unlock their full potential and thrive in their professional journeys.

Why Choose Leah Lo Coaching for Your Career Journey?​

Career Advancement Coach

Are you feeling stuck in your current job, contemplating starting your own business but hesitating to take the leap, or struggling to find purpose and fulfillment in your work? Do you battle with imposter syndrome, wrestle with weak communication skills, or find yourself plagued by self-doubt that impacts your productivity?

If any of these challenges resonate with you, you’re in the right place. As a dedicated career coach specializing in overcoming inner blocks, I’m here to help you navigate your professional journey with confidence and clarity.

My personalized approach is designed to address your specific needs and aspirations, whether you’re seeking to rediscover your sense of purpose, improve your communication skills, or achieve a better work-life balance.

Don’t let inner blocks hold you back from reaching your full potential. Take the first step towards a fulfilling and successful career journey with personalized coaching. Let’s unlock your true potential together.

Contact me today to schedule a discovery call and begin your transformational journey.

The Perfect Tool for Professional Development

*For company bulk purchases, please email

The Energy Leadership Index (ELI) Assessment offers a unique approach to professional development, providing insights into energy levels and leadership styles. Unlike traditional self-assessment tools like Myers-Briggs or StrengthsFinder, the ELI evaluates energy across seven levels, revealing how it impacts behavior and decision-making. This holistic understanding enhances self-awareness and helps individuals improve work performance and efficiency.

ELI stands out with its personalized coaching debrief, ensuring a tailored experience for each user. A certified coach dives deep into results, offering targeted insights and actionable strategies. This one-on-one approach fosters meaningful growth and development.

Choosing the ELI Assessment for career advancement yields several benefits. It enhances self-awareness by uncovering energy patterns and stress impacts. With this knowledge, individuals can develop sustainable leadership skills, inspiring others and improving teamwork. Moreover, understanding energy dynamics allows for better stress management, leading to increased resilience and well-being.

For companies investing in employee development, bulk purchases of ELI assessments offer a cost-effective solution. By providing employees with this tool, organizations promote professional growth and performance improvement across the board. The personalized coaching debrief ensures that each employee receives tailored guidance, maximizing the impact of the investment.

In summary, the ELI Assessment is a powerful tool for professional development, offering insights into energy levels and leadership styles. Through personalized coaching, individuals can enhance self-awareness, improve work performance, and achieve better efficiency. For companies, bulk purchases of ELI assessments provide a cost-effective means of investing in employee development, resulting in a more engaged and productive workforce.

About Leah

My story involves transitioning three times in my career. I started in the business industry and pursued an education in HR & finance. However, I realized that it didn’t bring me job satisfaction. After years of contemplation, I switched to the music industry, knowing it brought me joy.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, I often faced the question, ‘What is the purpose of my life?’ Feeling lost and stressed with my full-time job, I made the decision to resign from the national orchestra, where I served as a Ruan Associated Principal. It was during this period that I came across the term ‘professional coach’ and enrolled in one of the best-accredited coach training companies, IPEC, to become a professional coach.

Driven by my constant motivation for growth, I am now proud to combine all three specialties I possess and present myself as a Career Advancement Coach and Musical Empowerment Coach. My career now embodies three essential elements: job satisfaction, the pursuit of new opportunities, and a profound understanding of my value and goals.

Leah graduated from Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts with a Bachelor in Music Performance as a musician. She Co-Founded Ejoy Music Center Pte Ltd and served as the first Zhongruan Associated Principal of Singapore Chinese Orchestra (SCO) for 8 years.

Leah’s music career has been featured in newspapers multiple times and had the opportunity to work with music institutions like School of the Arts Singapore. She also conducted music workshops for local and international schools, such as Tanglin Trust School.

Being a feeler and eager for personal development, she enrolled in the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (IPEC) in 2023. Since then, she fell in love with coaching and developed a passion for helping people realize their potential. She then started her life coaching business.

Leah loves fostering deeper connections and meaningful relationships with people. She’s the happiest when she is with her friends, family, and her students. She enjoys going to rhythm cycling for exercise and is determined to explore different parts of the world!